VCC Partners Fall Gathering

VCC Partners Fall Gathering

Sunday, September 22, 2024

As a VCC Partner, you're invited to the VCC Partners Fall Gathering on Sunday, September 22 from 5:00-8:00pm.

We'll enjoy dinner together starting at 5:00pm in the Big Room. 

At 6:15pm we'll start moving to the Auditorium for some fun, worship, and updates from Matt, JR and others.

We'll hear about where we've seen God's hand here at Vineyard Cincinnati in our church operations, world missions, discipleship, and other various updates.

We'll also have some ministry time to worship, pray together, and hear from God - personally and as VCC Partner.

Please register by Sunday, September 15 if you:

  • Plan to attend dinner - a headcount is needed for catering
  • Need childcare for the entire evening (5-8pm) or just during the gathering (6:30-8pm)

You’re welcome to attend the gathering at 6:30pm even if you can’t make the dinner, no registration required.

Have a question?  Ask it HERE.


Registration is required for dinner or childcare.

*Childcare is limited and fills up fast. Please sign up for childcare on the registration page and be sure to enter the name(s) of the child(ren), and scroll down to "Additional Options." Click on the down arrow, and select the appropriate fee to secure a spot for your child or children.

Date(s) for VCC Partners Fall Gathering

Registration for event starting September 22 has closed.

  • Sunday, Sep 22, 2024 / 5:00PM Tri-County (Main Building)