You are invited to the Hispanic Heritage Celebration at the Vineyard!
Let's celebrate with bilingual worship and a variety of Latin American food. Come to the Atrium after any service on Sunday, Sept. 15 to meet friends new and old.
From Sept. 15-Oct. 15, we are celebrating the history, culture, influence, and contributions of Hispanic American descendants from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. Our Vineyard Cincinnati Hispanic Community has 1st & 2nd generation members who come from 12 different Latin American countries.
Acompáñenos a el Domingo 8 de Octubre a la "Celebración de la Herencia Hispana en Vineyard". Durante cada servicio a las 9:30 y 11:30am tendremos adoración bilingue e historias de impacto de lo que Dios está haciendo por medio de la comunidad Hispana para expandir el reino de Dios en Cincinnati. Después del servicio habrá comida latinoamericana y música gratis.