In 2023, Vineyard Cincinnati launched the Legacy of Hope Project with a goal to raise $775,000 to build the world's first Christian trauma-informed secondary school and vocational school in Nigeria.

As we prayed and listened to God together as a church family, we raised over $1,029,000 exceeding our goal! Thank you!

The Legacy of Hope Project will undoubtedly change the course of history for thousands of orphaned and vulnerable children in Nigeria. Below are photos of the construction of the schools in Nigeria.

Below are some photos we received from the site:

Fall 2023 Update

We partnered with the Back2Back Nigeria Team which had a groundbreaking ceremony for the schools in Nigeria.

Check out the photos and videos of the groundbreaking in Fall 2023.

More Photos

Strategic Scouting Team Traveling to Nigeria

In June 2024, a team of Vineyard Cincinnati elders, senior leaders and staff members will be traveling to Nigeria for a strategic scouting trip to see the progress first-hand.

They will examine the scope and scale of the trauma-free school, build rapport with the Nigeria Back2Back Team and also capture photos, videos, and stories to share with our VCC community.

This scouting trip will also serve to discern how future and ongoing missions trips to Nigeria can be done effectively and efficiently.

How can you support the 2024 Strategic Scouting Team?

Pray. Listen. Give.

If you’d like to support this team, you’re invited to pray for safe travels and favor as they raise funds and listen to what the Father has to say.

In 2025, there will be a trip to Nigeria that will be open to the church! More details to come...

You can learn more about supporting missions trips below.


Summer 2023 Update

Watch this update from Beth (June 2023):

We partnered with the Back2Back Nigeria Team which had a groundbreaking ceremony for the schools in Nigeria.

Check out the photos and videos of the groundbreaking in Fall 2023.

More Photos

Strategic Scouting Team Traveling to Nigeria

In June 2024, a team of Vineyard Cincinnati elders, senior leaders and staff members will be traveling to Nigeria for a strategic scouting trip to see the progress first-hand.

They will examine the scope and scale of the trauma-free school, build rapport with the Nigeria Back2Back Team and also capture photos, videos, and stories to share with our VCC community.

This scouting trip will also serve to discern how future and ongoing missions trips to Nigeria can be done effectively and efficiently.

How can you support the 2024 Strategic Scouting Team?

Pray. Listen. Give.

If you’d like to support this team, you’re invited to pray for safe travels and favor as they raise funds and listen to what the Father has to say.

In 2025, there will be a trip to Nigeria that will be open to the church! More details to come...

You can learn more about supporting missions trips below.


Watch this update from Beth (June 2023):

What is the Legacy of Hope?

Thousands of orphaned and vulnerable children in Nigeria lack access to education.

The Legacy of Hope is a campaign to build a high school and vocational school in Nigeria that will change the course of history for these children over the next decade and generations to come.

We are a church that lives & loves like Jesus

Generosity is at the very heart of God. It’s everything that He is and does. If we understand God’s heart, we’ll be people of generosity.

As we’ve been listening to God recently and asking him for greater direction, he’s challenged us to take a great step of faith to continue the story that he called us to join 15 years ago in Nigeria—we’ve been invited to step into more.

Join with me as we give away to the world what God has given us, and continue the Legacy of Hope in Nigeria.

Matt Massey
Lead Pastor

Primary Goal: 100% Church Engagement

Our goal is for each person reading this to make a gift of whatever size to the Legacy of Hope initiative.


God's Story Continues

Fifteen years ago Vineyard Cincinnati Church demonstrated God’s love by raising funds to drill 100 clean water wells in Nigeria.

Now, we've been invited to partner with Back2Back Ministries to build two trauma-informed schools and a multi-purpose center at the very same location as the first well in Nigeria.

These schools will better the future of thousands of Nigerian children and change the trajectory of generations yet to come.

God’s love story continues to reveal itself in this area of Nigeria, and he invites us to be a part of his work there.

Our Past Points To Our Future ➔

2006: Dave Workman, former Senior Pastor, visits Nigeria.
2006: VCC Launched Luke 4 Challenge campaign
2007: VCC financed the drilling of more than 100 wells in Nigeria
2009: The well at the school location was drilled
2009: VCC Students raise $9,000 for the Ed Center with “Simplify Christmas.”
2010: VCC Students went on a mission trip to Nigeria.
2012: More than 200 students utilized the Ed-Center
2023: Secondary school site plan

About this Project

Even though primary education is officially free and compulsory in Nigeria, about 10.5 million of the country’s children aged 5-14 years are not in school.

Education deprivation in northern Nigeria is driven by various factors, including economic barriers, cultural norms, and practices that discourage attendance in formal education, especially for girls.

This project builds on a legacy that VCC started 15 years ago during the Luke 4 Challenge campaign, when we learned that people in rural Nigeria were dying for no reason other than lacking clean water.

Today we have the opportunity to partner with God again in this area of Nigeria, to change the course of history, and to end generational poverty for hundreds—if not thousands—of children.

  • More than 120 children will be served in both the high school and vocational school in the first year, with a capacity to expand to 300 students the following year.

  • The schools will employ 65 members—teachers, assistants, psychologists, administration staff, cooks, cleaners, and security—that will be local from Nigeria.

  • A vocational school will offer catering, digital marketing and coding training, carpentry, metalwork, cosmetics, and mechanic classes.

  • Graduates will know what it means to have an authentic relationship with Jesus.

  • The children attending this school are less likely to be targets of human trafficking.

  • As a result of the trauma-informed education, students will know how to give care, receive care, negotiate, work as a team and use their voice to advocate for their own needs and those of others.

  • Families will be transformed, experiencing restoration and healing as a result of the teachers’ work with the children and their families.

  • These schools will change the course of history for hundreds of orphaned and vulnerable children in Nigeria every year.

Site Plan

This photo shows the original Ed Center built by our Student Union in 2010. The original dirt road has been paved, and a new Primary School was just built. 

Primary School

This is the primary school just developed on the Back2Back property. The school we are building is nearby and will have a similar look.

Secondary & Trade School

This is the site of the school you're helping to build. 

Who it's for

These are some of the future students of the school. More than 120 children will be served in both the high school and vocational school in the first year, with a capacity to expand to 300 students the following year.

Secondary Goal: $775,000

The heart behind this initiative is to fund the Legacy of Hope: Nigeria 2023 from giving that is prayerfully “above and beyond” regular tithing and giving to Vineyard Cincinnati Church.

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
-2 Corinthians 9:7

My Hope Has A Name

The Vineyard Worship Team wrote a song for this series. Listen to "My Hope Has A Name" here: