Money Questions

Money Coaches and Legacy Coaches can help answer some of the questions you may have about money and your finances.

  • Can I ever get out of debt?
  • I have a complex and irregular income situation, so how do I budget with sound stewardship principles? 
  • My basic needs are taken care of, so how can I do more for God with my money?
  • What does the Bible say about giving - and why should I trust that...really?
  • We’re getting married...can we make it?
  • Can our marriage survive these arguments about money?
  • How will I pay my student loans?
  • How do I pay for this emergency expense?  
  • Will I have enough to retire?
  • How can I have a “private” conversation about my finances within the church?
  • How will I make ends meet as a single parent?
  • Can I manage money well enough to become more generous?

Get information about financial programs available at the Healing Center:

Financial Programs