Stories & Blog

Do You Believe in Miracles?

Valerie Martin | June 21, 2018

As we have been talking about miracles at Vineyard Cincinnati, what attracts your attention? Are you drawn to the miracles themselves? To the stories? To Pastor Rob’s jokes?

Truth is, we most often see the miracles in the stories and not what they were meant to convey. We want miracles to be true. Humans crave amazing happenings for several reasons.

We crave adventure and the unknown, even if it is only through the eyes of others. We crave a hero, someone who saves the day and proves that good will win. We crave proof of something bigger than ourselves and this dust ball we live on. (It’s more like a water balloon, but that’s not important.)

What is important is that we move our focus from the exciting elements to why Jesus performed these feats and why the Gospel writers shared these events.

Jesus’ miracles were designed to show us something about who he was. He knew that old saying to be fitting: actions speak louder than words. So, what is Jesus telling us?

  • He is a living God.
  • He is powerful.
  • By turning water to wine: He is the vine and the new wine.
  • He is the source of power we should seek.
  • He does only what God wants him to do.
  •  He cannot be controlled.
  • His words are powerful and true.
  • He sees our needs.
  • He makes us “enough” to… (fill in the blank).
  • He provides for those in need.
  • He doesn’t waste a thing.
  • He asks questions for us to hear our own answers.
  • He asks questions to deepen relationships and to bring people to a place of dependence.

Is it important to believe in miracles? Whether you do or not, it’s more important – most important – to believe in the miracle maker. Do you believe in Jesus?

Thoughts to ponder:

“Most of what we think we know about God has to do with our experience with so-called Christians.” — Pastor Rob King

“We are enough in Christ. That is not something to know. That is someone to trust.” — Megan Fate Marshman

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