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September 22, 2024 • Beth Guckenberger

Beth continues our series on the Sermon on the Mount - "Jesus Said What?!"

Jesus said many surprising things in the Bible. In this series we’re reading through what’s known as Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount—a counter-cultural teaching that painted a picture of God’s “upside down kingdom.”

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The sounds of Christmas surround you. Bells ringing. Choirs singing. Cash registers dinging. You may not always get to choose what sounds break through the clamor and commotion. But we suggest three unique voices with inspiring messages that can help you tune out the noise and tune into God throughout this Christmas season.


What dominates the headlines doesn't have to dominate our hearts. There’s only one name that can bring the world together, and you won’t find it on a ballot. Are you ready to discover the hope and freedom we’ve been given Under God?


Have you ever been called “crazy?” Did you know there is a good kind of crazy that will make your life stand out, honor God, and expand His Kingdom? It doesn’t mean you have to accept some wild dare or live like a nomadic gypsy. All of us can live an outside-the-box life by how we handle money. Our lives can make an impact far beyond our limited years here. Join us as we investigate what this life looks like and what it takes to live “Crazy Like Us.”


It's that feeling when spinning your tires only makes the rut deeper. It's that nagging, bad habit that you can't seem to break. What would you give for real and lasting change? And what if the wisdom of God and the power of Jesus could help you take the next step? We were meant for freedom. We were created to live Unstuck.

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