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September 15, 2024 • Matt Massey

It’s a Hispanic Heritage Celebration Weekend! Matt continues our series on the Sermon on the Mount - "Jesus Said What?!"

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Life really does come at you fast. You do your best. You keep plugging. But you sense that something’s off. You know in your heart that something’s “wrong side up.” You crave a “do over.” A reset. You need more than a jump-start or a tune-up, more than a shot in the arm. You need your Mind = Blown.


When Jesus was asked to sum up everything into one command, He said we are to love God with everything we have. And then He added that we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. Instead of turning this simple idea into a nice saying, what would happen if every follower of Jesus took the Great Commandment literally? Is it possible that the solution to our society’s biggest issues has been right under our noses for the past two thousand years? Join Vineyard Cincinnati in this 6-week, all-church journey exploring how can we can put into practice one of the Great Commandments of loving our neighbors as ourselves.


The cross. It hangs from necklaces and adorns church buildings. How did a device of Roman torture become the symbol of hope and freedom for millions? What really happened on the cross of Jesus and why was it necessary? Each week we’ll explore a key word that will help us all understand and appreciate the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus better than ever.


In our society today the motto is, “Get all you can; can all you get; then sit on the can.” There’s got to be a better way, right? What if people in our communities were saying: “I’m not sure I believe what those Christians believe, but I sure am glad they’re in our community.” What if the best way to point people toward the unconditional love of God is to demonstrate unconditional generosity? And what if the generous life has nothing to do with income level? This two-part series explores why one of our core values at Vineyard Cincinnati is to “Give away to the world what God has given us.”

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